Hi, this is Trish here, and this is our blog page :). It is like our own guesthouse diary: stories about Knysna, about things happening in our town, events worth diarizing, updates about our staff members and the occasional anecdote about our guests. This is where you stay up-to-date about the ‘real life’ in and around the inn.
The Knysna Wayside Inn.
In the Inn
So today is the Highlight! The highlight after the three week build up towards today’s Open Day at the DarkFEST sponsored by Monster Energy. The buzz had been going since last year already, when profession free ride mountain biker Sam Reynolds first came to the Garden Route to do some insane tricks on his bike. I call them insane, and I’m sure once you’ve seen the pictures and the little…
Our trip to the Featherbed Nature Reserve On the list of ‘must-do-when-in-Knysna’ the trip to the Featherbed Nature Reserve should not be left out. We were very fortunate for the day we choose was a magnificent, sunny, almost windless day. Good old ”Three Legs” was waiting for us, docked outside Cruise Café just off Waterfront Drive, to take us on the Featherbed Eco Experience, as it is officially called. As…

Expedition Africa is an Adventure Race of note! You don’t know what an Adventure Race is? Neither did I… Until they brought it to the Garden Route. Our home playground. Nowadays known as the #HomeOfAdventure (by the way, are you following us on Twitter yet? @KnysnaWayside 🙂 ). What is an Adventure Race? An Adventure Race is a race without directions, in this case over a length of over 500km,…
Darkness was approaching as we met at the upper parking of Pledge Nature Reserve. The glow of the rising moon behind the ridge added an almost mysterious feeling to the excitement of going into the forest at night. We were met by Mervyn, the manager and very knowledgeable host of the evening, together with Stan Davies, Trustee and member of the Management Committee of the Pledge Nature Reserve Trust and…

Read the first part about one of the lesser known Garden Route mountain bike trails, the Homtini Cycle Trail here and find out how to get there… Homtini Mountain Bike Trail And apparently that is where it starts! A 4km uphill battle, over a rather rocky forest terrain. As said before, I am not a mountain biker, but even Erik said he had to get off his bike. On more than…

We have been blessed with quite a few cycling tours coming through the doors of the Knysna Wayside Inn lately (you may have seen some pics on our facebook page). Lovely people, fit – or trying to get there – and full of fun! They have all been on guided tours, but almost all of them said they would love to come back and explore the area more in-depth on…
Remember I introduced Daniel, our Night Manager, to you last month? He’s a wonderful man, and has taught me a lot about the Knysna Wayside Inn. When I asked Daniel about when he first started running the business here in 1994, he recalled how manual everything was run. No computers or credit card machines. Can you imagine?! Handwritten books, notes, phone calls and cash only. Hard to imagine this was…
If there is one person at the Inn who knows it inside out, and who can tell you stories about its guests, its neighbors, its staff and also about its owners, it is Daniel. Meet Daniel Plaatjie, our trusted and loyal Night Manager who has worked with us since we re-opened the doors on 1st November 2014. Daniel is a true ‘Knysnarian’ and was born at Sout Rivier here in…

There are numerous things to do in and around Knysna, and even in and around just the Knysna Lagoon. Fishing, swimming, walking to name but a few. Many of our guests however, have limited time, and want to experience as much as possible in as little time as possible. A shame really, if you ask me, but then again, not many people actually ask me… Featherbed Nature Reserve So, if…